On February 12, 2020, the Estate Planning and Probate
Section of the Atlanta Bar welcomed the Hon. Tara C. Riddle
(Associate Judge of the Cobb County Probate Court), and
Kristin Poland, Esq., (Staff Attorney for the Cobb County
Probate Court), to their monthly breakfast meeting. Hon.
Riddle and Poland’s presentation on Professionalism and Best Practices in the Probate Court was informative and thought-provoking.
The speakers welcomed suggestions from the Section members, facilitating an open and beneficial dialog for everyone involved. The
Section would like to express its sincere gratitude to Hon. Riddle and Poland for taking the time to prepare and present on such an
important topic. The EP&P Section meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30am at The Buckhead Club.
L-R: Vice-Chair/ Chair Elect Allison Byrd, Esq., (Morgan & DiSalvo) , Hon. Tara C. Riddle (Associate Judge, Cobb County Probate
Court), Kristin Poland, Esq., (Staff Attorney, Cobb County Probate Court), and Chair Tim Curtin (Curtin Law Firm, PC)
On Thursday, February 13, 2020, the Family Law Section
of the Atlanta Bar held their monthly breakfast meeting at
Local Three in Atlanta, with speaker Hon. Stacey K. Hydrick
(DeKalb County Superior Court).
L-R: Vice-Chair/ Chair Elect Eileen J. Shuman (Shuman &
Shuman, PC) and Hon. Stacey K. Hydrick (DeKalb County
Superior Court)
We are pleased to announce that the following members have
joined the board of the International Law Section: Lisa W.
Greene (Siemens Corporation), Toni Brown (International
& Supply Chain, Inspire Brands, Inc.), and Andrea Ramirez
Leon (Americas, Bekaert Corporation).
On March 2, 2020 the International Law & Tax Law Sections
conducted a CLE program on Tax, Trade, and Tariffs. The
International Law Section participated in an Atlanta Bar
Multi-Section Social Event on March 5, 2020. An additional
CLE program regarding data privacy protection and
cybersecurity is being planned for late April, and a business immigration presentation and roundtable is being considered for May.
A program relating to intellectual property/trademark and copyright protection internationally will be coming later in 2020.
L-R: Vice-Chair Julian Fortuna (Taylor | English Duma, LLP), Lisa W. Greene (Associate General Counsel, Siemens Corporation), Chair
Tom Rosseland (Bodker, Ramsey, Andrews, Winograd & Wildstein, PC), Toni Brown (Director Senior Counsel, International & Supply
Chain, Inspire Brands, Inc.), and Secretary/Treasurer Robert Banta (Banta Immigration Law Ltd.) THE ATLANTA LAWYER