On Thursday , January 22 , 2020 , the Bankruptcy Section kicked off 2020 with its first breakfast for the year . The breakfast focused on the Small Business Reorganization Act and featured a presentation by Nancy J . Gargula ( United States Trustee , Regions 10 and 21 ) and R . Jeneane Treace ( Assistant United States Trustee , Region 21 ). The event was very well attended by over fifty attendees , including several judges , who gathered at the offices of Arnold Golden Gregory , LLP in Midtown Atlanta . It was a highly informative and engaging program that provided an update on the Small Business Reorganization Act from the United States Trustees ’ s perspective .
The Officers and Board members for the 2019-2020 year are : Chair Melissa J . Davey ( Standing Chapter 13 Trustee ), Vice-Chair / Chair-Elect Bruce Walker ( Cohen Pollock Merlin Turner , PC ), Secretary Gregory Taube ( Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough , LLP ), Treasurer Doroteya Wozniak ( James Bates Brannan Groover , LLP ), Immediate Past Chair Vania Allen ( US Bankruptcy Court Northern District of Georgia ), and Members-At-Large Michael Bargar ( Arnall Golden Gregory , LLP ), Ashley Champion ( U . S . Bankruptcy Court , Law Clerk ), Alaina C . Joseph ( King & King Law LLC ), Taylor Mansell ( LOGS Network ), Gai Lynn McCarthy ( KPPB Law ), Aimee Pickett Sanders ( Alston & Bird , LLP ), and Alexandra “ CC ” Schnapp ( United States Bankruptcy Court ).
On February 7 , 2020 , the Bankruptcy Section presented its Annual Bankruptcy and Commercial Law Year in Review program at the Capital City Club . Over sixty section members attended the program and enjoyed the opportunity to hear from the distinguished panelists on the latest bankruptcy and commercial law case developments from the last year . The morning session included the Hon . Paul W . Bonapfel ( U . S . Bankruptcy Court , Northern District of Georgia ), and the Hon . Mary Grace Diehl ( Retired , U . S . Bankruptcy Court , Northern District of Georgia ). Panelists were Harris Winsberg ( Troutman Sanders , LLP ) and Beth Anne Harrill ( law clerk for the Honorable Paul W . Bonapfel , U . S . Bankruptcy Court , Northern District of Georgia .) The afternoon session focused on commercial law developments and was presented by C . Edward Dobbs ( Parker , Hudson , Rainer & Dobbs , LLP ) and Alfred S . Lurey ( Kilpatrick Townsend , LLP ).
The Bankruptcy Section participated in the annual March Madness CLE with a presentation on adversary proceedings and related substantive issues on March 2 , 2020 at the State Bar of Georgia . The CLE included an overview of bankruptcy court jurisdiction , rules of procedure applicable in adversary proceedings , and substantive issues typically arising in adversary proceedings in individual bankruptcy cases , including determining the dischargeability of particular debts and violations of the automatic stay and discharge injunction . Presenters were John Mills ( Taylor | English Duma , LLP ) and Gregory M . Taube ( Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough , LLP ).
Bankruptcy , Intellectual Property , International Law , and Business and Finance Sections hosted a free joint social on March 5 , 2020 at City Tap House Atlanta .
U . S . Bankruptcy Court alexandra _ schnapp @ ganb .
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• The Bankruptcy Section 2020 David W . Pollard Award & Spring CLE Program will also be held on May 14 , 2020 , at the Ansley Golf Club .
Board of Directors