The EP & P Section Board invite Section members and other Atlanta Bar Association members to join us for the following upcoming virtual events to kick off a new ( and , hopefully , improved ) 2021 :
• On Wednesday , January 13 , 2021 , at 12:00 PM , partner in charge Lisa Brown , CFP , CIMA ( Brightworth , LLC ), and wealth advisor , Christopher “ Bud ” Boland , CFP ( Brightworth , LLC ) will discuss via webinar : “ Estate Planning for Busy Executives .”
• On Wednesday , February 10 , 2021 , at 12:00 PM , Cara M . Coss , ( Partner in Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer , LLP ), and Carole M . Bass ( Partner in Moses & Singer , LLP ), will present via webinar : “ Estate Planning : Reproductive Materials and Planning Impact .”
As the public health crisis caused by COVID-19 continues to unfold , the EP & P Section stands ready to offer its members alternatives to in-person gatherings and looks forward to working with the other Sections of the Atlanta Bar Association to offer bar members opportunities for professional development and social interaction . The EP & P Section Board wishes to thank our wonderful speakers for their generosity in sharing their time and knowledge , our generous Section Sponsors for their loyal support , the hard-working Directors and Staff of the Atlanta Bar Association and our webinar host , ReelTime CLE , who make our programs possible , and most of all our Section Members , who continue to make the Estate Planning & Probate Section one of the most active and vibrant Sections of the Atlanta Bar Association . Thank you for your support of the EP & P Section !
ALLISON L . BYRD Morgan & DiSalvo , PC abyrd @ morgandisalvo . com
As our courts make a cautious return to criminal jury trials , the Judicial Section is mindful of the civil matters that also await jury trials . Plans are being discussed and developed in that arena as well , and as those take shape in the coming months , the Judicial Section will host a similar informational event , open to all Atlanta Bar members .
HON . PAIGE R . WHITAKER Superior Court , Atlanta Judicial Circuit Paige . Whitaker @ fultoncountyga . gov
Labor & Employment
The Labor & Employment Section has had a busy year with a seamless transition to creative and timely remote programming .
On September 15 , 2020 , the Section hosted a luncheon presentation on Managing Political Speech in the Workplace . Abby Larimer ( Morris Manning & Martin , LLP ) discussed the legal parameters around political speech in the office and offered advice on how counsel can help employers manage political activity within the workplace . On October 9 , 2020 , the Section co-hosted a breakfast panel presentation with the Litigation Section on Emerging Exposures in Employment Litigation from COVID-19 . Jaime Duguay ( O ' Hagan Meyer ), Marcus Keegan ( Keegan Law Firm ), Kenneth Winkler ( Berman Fink Van Horn , PC ), and Ariel Zion ( Deputy General Counsel at Insight Global LLC ), served as panelists , while Mari Myer ( The Myer Law Firm ) moderated .
On December 7 , 2020 , the Judicial Section , joined by the Criminal Law Section , heard from a panel of metro area judges about their courts ’ plans for restarting jury trials . Judge Mark Cohen ( Northern District of Georgia ), Judge Robert McBurney ( Fulton Superior Court ), Judge Eric Richardson ( Fulton State Court ), Judge Tangela Barrie ( DeKalb Superior Court ), and Judge Kim Childs ( Cobb Superior Court ), shared their courts ’ latest plans with the large lunchtime crowd participating in this virtual event . Section Chairs Judge Paige Reese Whitaker ( Superior Court , Atlanta Judicial Circuit ), and Kenneth Mitchell , Jr . ( Fulton County District Attorney ' s Office ), moderated this timely and informative discussion .
Finally , on November 19 , 2020 , the Section co-hosted a luncheon presentation with the Intellectual Property section titled Trade Secret Protection with Employees Working Remotely : What You Need to Know . Ben Fink ( Berman Fink Van Horn , PC ), and Tom DeSimone ( MiMedx Group , Inc ), discussed strategies and methods for protecting trade secrets within an organization , particularly during these unusual times when large numbers of employees are working remotely . The Labor & Employment Section has a busy spring ahead , starting with a joint program in January with the Solo Practitioner / Small Firm section on COVID-19 return-to-work issues for small employers .
CRAIG S . FRIEDMAN Jones Day csfriedman @ jonesday . com
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