The Atlanta Lawyer December/January 2021 Vol. 19, No. 4 | Page 36


Community Service Holiday Clothing Drive for Atlanta Mission The Bankruptcy Section and Construction Law Section have joined together for a community service holiday clothing drive for the Atlanta Mission . Participation in the drive is easy , safe , and contact free ! The Sections created a curated Amazon Wish List to solicit needed items , including warm gloves , hats , scarves , and jackets for the Atlanta Mission . The Atlanta Mission transforms the lives of those facing homelessness ; it is a community united to end homelessness one person at a time . The drive runs through the end of the year . Members interested in donating can use the Amazon Wish List found here as a guide . The Atlanta Mission is grateful for items from other retailers , as well , which can be shipped or delivered to the Atlanta Mission Donation Center , 2353 Bolton Rd NW , Atlanta , GA 30318 , Monday through Saturday , from 10 am to 6 pm . Thank you to all our members who have helped to make sure it is a warm winter for all !
Bankruptcy and Commercial Law Year in Review The 2021 " Bankruptcy and Commercial Law Year in Review " seminar is going virtual ! The seminar is a highlight for attendees and provides practitioners with a complete and succinct summary of the most important bankruptcy and commercial law case developments from the last year . Join judges and seasoned attorneys as they discuss all the cases you need to know . The panelists will review Supreme Court precedents and other cases grouped by topic , covering both consumer and business bankruptcy issues . This annual presentation is jam-packed with information and insight - you won ' t want to miss it ! The program will be held on Friday , February 5 , 2021 . Registration is now open online here .
The Year Ahead The Section is busy planning a number of programs for the coming year to keep you informed and engaged .
• February – the Section is planning a CLE with a specific focus on bankruptcy issues involving hotels .
• March – the Section is planning a program on adversary proceedings within consumer bankruptcy cases .
• April - the Section is also planning a seminar on the intersection between construction law and bankruptcy law
• May - The Section is excited to share that the Annual Pollard Award will take place in May 2021 .
Board of Directors The Officers and Board members for the 2020-2021 year are : Chair Bruce Z . Walker ( Cohen Pollock Merlin & Small , PC ), Vice Chair Gregory Taube ( Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough , LLP ), Secretary Doroteya N . Wozniak ( James Bates Brannan Groover , LLP ), Treasurer Alexandra “ CC ” Schnapp ( United States Bankruptcy
Court ), Immediate Past Chair Melissa J . Davey ( Standing Chapter 13 Trustee ); and Members-at-Large Bryan Bates ( Parker Hudson Rainer & Dobbs , LLP ), Ashley Champion ( U . S . Bankruptcy Court ), Alaina C . Joseph ( King & King Law , LLC ), Maria Joyner ( Nancy J . Whaley , Standing Ch . 12 and 13 Trustee ), Taylor Mansell ( Shapiro Pendergast & Hasty , LLP ), Gai Lynn McCarthy ( KPPB Law ), and Aimee Pickett Sanders ( Alston & Bird , LLP ).
Contact Us If you have proposals for Bankruptcy Section activities or projects , please contact any of the officers or board members . We look forward to another great year and welcome your participation !
DOROTEYA N . WOZNIAK James Bates Brannan Groover , LLP dwozniak @ jamesbatesllp . com
ALEXANDRA " CC " SCHNAPP U . S . Bankruptcy Court , Law Clerk to Chief Bankruptcy Judge Wendy L . Hagenau Alexandra _ Schnapp @ ganb . uscourts . gov

Estate Planning & Probate

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic , the Estate Planning & Probate (“ EP & P ”) Section continues to offer its members valuable continuing legal education opportunities through monthly CLE webinars focusing on topics ranging from probate law and estate planning , to law firm operation , charitable giving , and related topics within the allied professions and other fields of law .
1 - On Wednesday , November 18 , 2020 , Theodore S . “ Ted ” Eittreim ( Eittreim Martin Cutler , LLC ) presented via webinar : “ Domestic Relations Considerations for the Trusts & Estates Practitioner : A Primer for Preventing Pitfalls in the Divorce Law World .” Eittreim highlighted the elements of domestic law that impact estate planning , and vice versa , when dealing with clients who may be contemplating divorce or were recently divorced .
2 - On Wednesday , December 9 , 2020 , EP & P Section Sponsor representative Christopher V . Benner ( Partner in Bennett Thrasher , LLP ) presented via webinar : “ I Made It Over the Wall , Now What ? Worldwide Transfer Tax Issues to Consider for New U . S . Residents and Domiciliaries .” Benner discussed gift and estate tax issues for estate planners to consider when advising foreign clients moving to the U . S .
36 December / January 2021