The Atlanta Lawyer December 2018 / January 2019 | Page 5
and fun, healthy events where lawyers can focus
on our own wellbeing.
Finally, we will soon launch Bond with the Bar,
an opportunity for members to join our leaders
in informal social events to get to know them –
and the bar – better.
Though we spent much time in 2018 creating
new programs in response to what we heard
from our members, we remain proud of what we
do well. Since our last edition of this magazine,
Atlanta Bar’s Santa Program brought cheer and
ensured happier holidays for a great number
of children in Atlanta. And what a joy it was to
end 2018 with the Atlanta Bar and Atlanta Bar
Foundation awarding over $200,000 in grants
to the fantastic legal services organizations in
our community.
As we start 2019, we hope that you will find a
way to go forward with us. Join one of our new
initiatives. Volunteer to serve on a committee.
Attend an event. Reach out to meet with us over
a cup of coffee or a meal. Let us be a part of
your plan for 2019 and tell us how we can best
serve you – our members- and our profession.
Though the new year is a great time for reflec-
tion, we love to hear new ideas any time of the
year at the Atlanta Bar. If you have thoughts,
or would like to become further involved, let us
know so we can get ready to go together.
Submit a
book review
for The Atlanta
[email protected]
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER