The Atlanta Lawyer December 2017/January 2018 | Page 23
law clerk, or an in-house counsel.
We have information that will help
you be better.”
On April 12, 2018, at 6 p.m., the
LSOC will join the Judicial and
Litigation Sections for a moder-
ated panel of judges, followed by
a reception, at the Fulton Board
of Commissioners Assembly Hall.
Helmed by co-chairs Caren Cloud
and Jessica Wood, the LSOC in-
cludes Terri Bryant, Brooke M.
French, Sheryl Harrison-Mercer
( John Marshall), Hope Jamison
( John Marshall), Lyn Knapp (Geor-
gia State University College of Law),
Matt Maguire, Amy McCarthy
(Georgia State University College
of Law), Stephanie Powell (Mer-
cer Law School), Greg Presmanes,
Rick Quarles, Amy Schlossberg,
Beth Shackleford (University of
Georgia Law School), Rita Sheffey
(Emory Law School), Samantha
Skolnick, Kenny Tatum (University
of Georgia Law School), Raymond
Tran, Michelle Valtreau (Emory
Law School), Maggie Vath (Georgia
State University College of Law),
and Ashley Wilson.
If you would like to join the LSOC
or participate in the Atlanta Bar’s
mentoring program as a mentee
or mentor, please contact ccloud@ or jwood@braw- For additional questions
about the M&DCP, please contact
[email protected]. To register
for the February 27, 2018 Devel-
oping Lawyer Series: Toolkit Es-
sentials for Success, please contact
[email protected].
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER