The Atlanta Lawyer December 2017/January 2018 | Page 22

Atlanta Bar Law School Outreach Committee Furthers Leadership Pipeline Plan
The Law School Outreach Committee ( LSOC ) is recruiting more law student members and encouraging them to transition to full membership as part of the Atlanta Bar ’ s leadership succession plan . “ We want to continue building our Bar leadership pipeline with high-caliber candidates . And we want to ensure that our law students ’ membership continues to be useful and meaningful . It is crucial to keep law students engaged pre- and post-graduation ,” noted Atlanta Bar President Maggie Vath .
Since revival of the committee in the fall , law student membership has grown from 164 law students to 384 . LSOC members have attended on campus meetings with law students , attended an ACYL event , and drafted and forwarded a Survey Monkey to all law student and recent graduate members to learn more about their needs . In addition , LSOC committee members are liaising with Section Chairs to identify how law students can help sections .
Preliminary results from the Survey Monkey to law students and recent graduates prompted the creation of a one-on-one mentoring program . Law students will be matched with attorneys or judges based on practice focus , community interests , and other factors . The LSOC will gauge mentor interest in the coming weeks and make a determination about the viability of a program .
The LSOC is also promoting the Minority & Diversity Clerkship Program ( M & DCP ), which is overseen by Denisha Wise , Committee and Special Programs Coordinator

“ We want to continue building our Bar leadership pipeline with high-caliber candidates .” of the Atlanta Bar . The M & DCP allows qualified 1Ls ( rising 2Ls ) to perform compensated legal work for law firms , in-house departments of corporations , and judges for the summer . The deadline for 1Ls to apply is February 1 , 2018 . Interested students should apply via the Georgia Law School Consortium Symplicity site at https :// law-glsc-csm . symplicity . com / students /.

In addition , the LSOC working with the Atlanta Bar ’ s Continuing Legal Education Director Kristyn Girardeau and CLE Board of Directions Vice Chair / Chair Elect Brooke M . French to promote the Atlanta Bar ’ s two-part Developing Lawyers Series to be held on February 27 , 2018 and April 12 , 2018 at Georgia State College of Law . Brooke explained , “ This series is beneficial for lawyers at any stage of their careers who want to improve how they practice law . It offers practical knowledge about developing a practice , generating clients , managing the clutter and keeping ourselves healthy . The Atlanta Bar hopes that this series will give our lawyers the tools they need to be successful in the area of law and type of practice they choose – whether that ’ s a litigator , a transactional lawyer , sole practitioner , a lawyer at a firm , a
22 December 2017 / January 2018