The Atlanta Lawyer December 2017/January 2018 | Page 19
Legal Podcast Review
Megan Hodgkiss
Hodgkiss Consulting
[email protected]
Honey L. Shaw
2L, Georgia State University College of Law
[email protected]
Podcasting has exploded in popu-
larity over the past several years.
This medium can be particularly
useful for attorneys, whether they
are looking to learn new legal is-
sues, want a quick recap of a cur-
rent case, or just want some law-
themed humor to lighten their
commute. The Atlanta Lawyer
Magazine has assembled a list of
some of our favorite podcasts.
These shows are designed for law-
yers, people who work in the legal
field, law students, or for those who
just enjoy listening to legal studies
and issues. Many of these shows
can be found on iTunes, Stitcher,
or The Legal Talk Network.
Judge John Hodgman Life of the Law
A comedic court show podcast set
within a fictional, virtual court-
room setting. The Judge John
Hodgman show has been bringing
the laughs since 2010. Every week,
humorist “Judge” John Hodgman
and his co-host “Bailiff ” Jesse
Thorn adjudicate real-life and of-
ten hilariously awkward disputes.
Episodes may feature other famed
entertainers as expert witnesses.
There are also special “clearing the
docket” episodes in which Hodg-
man and Thorn rule on cases not
selected for full hearings.
judge-john-hodgman The hosts of this bi-weekly pod-
cast take an investigative, journal-
istic approach to legal news and
hot topics in the law. A team of
scholars, journalists, editors, and
audio producers take a close look
at how the law affects people’s ev-
eryday lives. This podcast features
investigative reports, personal nar-
ratives, and frank conversations
about the U.S. legal system.
ABA Law Student Podcast Lawyer 2 Lawyer
Presented by the American Bar
Association’s Law Student Division
and the Legal Talk Network, this
podcast provides a forum for law
students and recent graduates–a
place to discuss common concerns
and share advice. Some of the top-
ics covered include final exams,
graduation, taking the bar exam,
and finding a job. This podcast is
also an excellent resource for law
firms that are interested in learn-
ing about the next generation of
Attorneys Bob Ambrogi and J.
Craig Williams host this award-
winning, long-running podcast
(since 2005). During their weekly
40-minute show, Ambrogi and
Williams, along with other attor-
neys and industry professionals,
discuss current legal events and
recent court rulings. Their mate-
rial is relevant, informative, and
This Week in Law
Attorney and blogger Denise
Howell hosts this legal podcast,
published every Friday since 2011.
The podcast focuses on current
legal cases and breaking issues in
technology law. Howell’s show is
well-organized, fast paced, and
informative – covering everything
from the mundane to the bizarre
in the space of law technology.
The Resilient Lawyer
Practice Area: Any and All
Hosts: Jeena Cho
Most Recent Episode: Episode 72
with Harvey Freedenburt
You may have heard of The Anx-
ious Lawyer, but maybe not as a
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER