The Atlanta Lawyer August/September 2022 Vol. 21, No. 2 | Page 21

IN THE PROFESSION provide comprehensive , community-based psychiatric treatment , rehabilitation , and support to people with persistent and serious mental illnesses .
According to Goico , ACT teams are , “ the Cadillac of mental health services in the community .”
However , each time R was transfered to a new place , Robinson would have to start the ACT application process over . After working for months to get an ACT team for R , Robinson was finally able to connect all of the necessary players – R ’ s State guardian , the hospital social workers , his sister , and the ACT team – in time to coordinate services before he was yet again discharged .
“ The stars magically aligned ,” laughs Robinson .
“ I learned from Toni that you have to keep being tenacious , you have to keep on people .” Robinson says , speaking on the lessons she has learned from fellow paralegal Pastore , who has been with DIP for 22 years .
With Robinson ’ s persistent advocacy , R was awarded ACT team services . He is currently living in a group home , has finally been approved for a hip surgery he desperately needs , and has not been hospitalized since .
“ This is why I love what I do ,” says Robinson . “ You can actually help people .”
The lawyers and paralegals of DIP are proud to act as the stewards of the Olmstead promise and to help people with disabilities live meaningful lives in their communities .
When she reflected on the importance of Olmstead and the work of DIP , Goico stated , “ The folks we work with are the most hidden . So many of my clients have been ignored most of their lives . But , they have such a hunger for life . They figure out how to make it to the next day . Our clients , they are survivors .”
Lawyers Who Serve
The Atlanta Bar Association recognizes that public service is just as important as that which you provide to your clients . We are excited to connect our members to the plentiful opportunities provided by the many nonprofit organizations in our community who facilitate this work . We have dedicated a page to the Atlanta Bar website , appropriately titled " Lawyers Who Serve ," to provide you with easy access to this information .
Visit https :// atlantabar . org /? pg = LawyersWhoServe to get started .