The Atlanta Lawyer August / September 2018 | Page 15
Georgia State University College
of Law; and Diondra Hicks Former
Intern and rising 2L at Columbia
Law School.
• Nancy Whaley, Esq., Standing
Chapter 13 Trustee and Lisa O’Ree,
Standing Chapter 13 Trustee.
All of the Interns participated in a
750 word essay competition with
included a monetary award for
the winner and runners up. This
year’s topic was the Georgia Su-
preme Court’s recent decision in
Collins v. Virginia, Nos. 16-1027,
where the high court ruled that the
automobile exception to the Fourth
Amendment’s warrant requirement
does not allow a warrantless search
of a motorcycle parked in a drive-
Numerous former Interns have be-
come attorneys and are now prac-
ticing in the Atlanta area, including
a Superior Court judge and a district
attorney. Over the program’s his-
tory, twenty-nine former Interns
have either graduated from law
school or are currently enrolled
in law school.
ration classes and/or Bar Review
classes. The initiative has raised
over $48,000 to date and has pro-
vided funds to twelve former in-
For more information on SLIP or
the Highest Heights Forever Initia-
tive, visit http://abaslip.blogspot.
com/ or contact Denisha Wise at
[email protected].
In order to expand support for in-
terns who aspire to become attor-
neys, the Highest Heights Forever
Initiative was established in 2016
and provides financial assistance to
former interns taking LSAT prepa-
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association THE ATLANTA LAWYER