The Atlanta Lawyer April 2014 | Page 23

section update Estate Planning & Probate Section Update By Robert E. Turner, Chair Turner Law, P.C. O ur Section members survived the snow and ice, regrouped and showed out in force on March 12 after the Winter Storm on February 12. Fifty-five Estate Planning and Probate Section members as well as others showed up to hear our speaker. The most important reason that we had great attendance was because of the quality of our speaker, Georgia Tax Tribunal Judge Charles Beaudrot. Judge Beaudrot, with an undergraduate degree from Duke and a law degree from Harvard, is a perfectly charming and extremely bright man. The state of Georgia cried out for a rational system to be put in place to resolve tax disputes between the taxpayer and the Commissioner of Revenue. Before the Tax Tribunal, resolving tax disputes with the Commissioner of Revenue was almost impossible short of going to Court. Now that the tax tribunal is in place, the people of Georgia have a relatively fast and efficient way to resolve disputes and there appears to be no one better than Judge Beaudrot to lead the way. On March 6 of this year, our section gathered at Gordon Birch in Buckhead with the Atlanta Bar Tax and Elder Law Sections and the Financial Planners of Georgia. The event was a tremendous success with a large crowd attending. The Social gave individuals a chance to meet many members of all the involved sections that would not otherwise normally be accessible in our regular meetings. On May 1, not in April as I had previously reported, the wellknown and renowned Professor Mary Radford of Georgia State University Law School will be speaking at Magg