section update
Environmental & Toxic Tort Section Update
By Richard A. Horder
Kazmarek Mowrey Cloud Laseter LLP
[email protected]
he Environmental & Toxic Tort Section
is excitedly finalizing plans with the
Real Estate Section of the Atlanta Bar
to sponsor an Atlanta Beltline tour event in
spring or early fall. The Atlanta BeltLine is
the most comprehensive transportation and
economic development effort ever undertaken
in the City of Atlanta and among the largest,
most wide-ranging urban redevelopment
programs currently underway in the United
States. The Atlanta Beltline is a sustainable
redevelopment project that will provide a
network of public parks, multi-use trails
and transit along a historic 22-mile railroad
corridor circling downtown and connecting
many neighborhoods directly to each other.
As currently planned, our event will include a
tour of the BeltLine (either on foot or by bus),
a presentation by the Beltline designer, Ryan
Gavel, and a cocktail hour.
The Environmental Section is also planning
another happy hour for later this spring at Front
Page News. This has been a great location for
past events and we look forward to once again
enjoying time together with our colleagues.
In the fall, the Environmental Section has
planned an Expert CLE Program. The use of
engineering consultants is a common practice
in environmental law, but can create pitfalls for
attorneys that are either unaware or who forget
the relevant evidence rules. Both experienced
trial attorneys and private consultants will
join Section members to discuss how to
successfully navigate the attorney/expert
relationship to provide the best representation
for their clients.
The Section has wonderful plans for the coming
months. Please check the weekly highlight
emails from the Atlanta Bar to confirm dates
and times!
April 2014
The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association