Spectacular bespoke commissions and collection cars reaffirm
Rolls-Royce’s status as the world’s foremost manufacturer of luxury products
2019 saw The Rolls-Royce Bespoke Collective, a team of again in creating an array of extraordinary motor cars, tailored to
engineers, designers and craftspeople residing at the Home the requirements of some of the most influential and discerning
of Rolls-Royce in Goodwood, England, create more Bespoke individuals in the world. These motor cars become unique works of
motor cars than ever before in the marque’s 116 year history. art and it is an extraordinary feat when you consider that each and
Unprecedented levels of creativity, craft and imagination have every single one of these unique commissions has been created on
brought the unique visions of the marque’s global patrons to life. one production line at the Home of Rolls-Royce in Goodwood, West
Almost every one of the record 5,152 motor cars created in 2019 Sussex – the skills of these individuals knows no bounds.”
was respectfully tailored by this Bespoke division.
What follows is an overview of some of the finest examples of
Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, Bespoke design and craftsmanship completed by the luxury house
commented, “I am proud to say that the craftsmen and women throughout 2019.
of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars have surpassed themselves once
The Art of Luxury
Issue 43 2020