“We work to offer the most prestigious superyachting event to the The temptation for any show aimed at end-users is to spread the net
new generation of customers,” confirms Gaëlle Tallarida, General as wide as possible and be all things to all people, but MYS is taking
Manager of MYS. “Our responsibility is to offer our visitors an the opposite tack by prioritising a specific visitor profile. Positive
entertaining and instructive plunge into the world of superyachting, feedback from exhibitors and partners following MYS 2018 suggests
while serving the interest of the industry. In other words, to this strategy is already having an impact. The slight drop in overall
encourage encounters between final clients and the best players in attendance (2% in 2018 down on 2017) reflects the drive towards
the market.” lower densities around the port, which results in a more rewarding
Already filled to capacity each year and occupying much of Port
Hercules, there is little or no opportunity for physical growth in
Monaco. Instead, the show organisers are focusing on delivering
experience for prospective clients. Indeed, brokers and builders
spoke of a higher number of visitors seriously intending to buy or
the best platform for business and the most efficient solutions “We want to attract people who are new to yachting as well as retain
for exhibitors to liaise with clients. One area of improvement, for our existing client base, but at the end of the day we target HNWIs,”
example, has been optimising the layout into thematic zones to says one yachting executive and MYS exhibitor. “When boat shows
provide more fluid circulation around the quays and tents, and allow are billed as a fun family day out, the cachet value is diluted. I think
visitors to concentrate on their own sectors of interest. that whenever a show targets very affluent people, it should offer an
experience in keeping with their lifestyles.”
Issue 40 2019
The Art of Luxury