Proven PurePower PW800 engines, next generation
aircraft systems reliability and maintainability in the 10,000-20,000 lb class and have
The Falcon 6X has a top speed of Mach 0.90 and a maximum range The Falcon 6X is equipped with an ultra-efficient wing that minimizes
of 5,500 nautical miles (10,186 km), longer than any other jet in its the impact of turbulence and a next generation digital flight control
category. It can fly directly from Los Angeles to Geneva, Beijing to system that controls all moving surfaces,
accumulated over 20,000 hours of testing to date.
San Francisco or Moscow to Singapore at long range cruise speed.
It can also connect New York to Moscow, Paris to Beijing
or Los Angeles to London at a cruise of Mach 0.85.
The Pratt & Whitney Canada Pure Power PW812D
engine rated at 13,000-14,000 lbs thrust has been
selected to power the Falcon 6X. The PurePower PW800
engines feature the common core technology of the
Pratt & Whitney Geared Turbofan, which is shared by 16
different engine applications and have amassed over
585,000 flight hours.
Equipped with a low maintenance single piece
fan and emission reducing Talon combustor, the
PurePower PW800 engines offer the highest efficiency,
Issue 37 2019
The Art of Luxury