The Art of Kanban - Creative Safety Supply April 2014 | Page 14

The Art of Kanban Cutting Costs Cutting costs is probably the most important feature of a Kanban system. If you were to look at your costs for maintaining inventory, you will probably quickly see that it is quite expensive. When you are able to reduce inventory you are also able to reduce costs. The same can be said for reducing overproduction and costs. All of these things cost money, while a Kanban system costs very little to implement and can save in big ways. Another way that it cuts costs is by reducing logistical costs and wait times. When your employees do not have the materials to do their job you lose money. When you have to pay extra to get the things you need to get your production moving along you also spend extra money. Using Kanban prevents both of these problems because it is all based on supply and demand. You should never again have to pay people to do nothing or pay extra for a rush delivery of supplies. Kanban is a system that saves time, saves money, reduces waste, and maintains and improves employee morale. If you have all of these things in place, continued success is sure to follow. These principles allow production to flow in a more easy and manageable way so that there are fewer errors and in fact, less room for them in every day processes. !2010 | (866) 777-1360