The Art of Kanban - Creative Safety Supply April 2014 | Page 13

The Art of Kanban Storing excess inventory is usually not the best use of space. One of the other big drawbacks to holding onto an inventory of components is the risk of having to waste them when a part is upgraded. Since your company will also be using Kaizen and looking for ways to make improvements it is likely that components will be upgraded or changed on a regular basis. If you store excess components you will have to dispose of them every time an improvement is made. This wastes a great deal of money in addition to the space and manpower needed to deal with the materials. By the same token you will reduce the amount of waste and scrap materials you produce. Again, costs will be cut and your needs for storage will lessen because you will only keep the raw materials that you need at a specific time. Once those diminish, more materials will be delivered so you will not lag in production, nor will you overproduce in an effort to use up excess materials. Flexibility When you manufacture something, production is never on the one constant level. Instead there are peaks and valleys that you will need to account for in your business. The Kanban system is able to help you meet these needs because the raw materials are shipped to you through the supply and demand process. When production is high you will naturally get more materials delivered to you and when it is low you will get less. In addition to controlling materials this system also allows for quick changeover should you need to manufacture a new product. Since the supply chain is guided by your needs instead of a constant stream of materials and storage you can switch to a new product whenever that is necessary. Of course, there are limits based on the machinery you have and employee training, but the problem of supply lines will not be an issue. !2010 | (866) 777-1360