Chris Goggin, Associate Director
The way to future proofing against rising
of continuous flow water heater
energy bills and new legislation, both of
manufacturer Rinnai, looks at the fast
which are inevitable, is to concentrate
pace of change in the industry as the
on the best available technologies for
Government demands ever-greater
heating and hot water design and avoid
the inertia that exists around simple
direct replacement. For instance you
Change in the H&V industry over the
wouldn’t upgrade your iphone to a
past decade has been accelerated and
pager as technology has moved on.
the rate is going even faster as pressure
There is even guidance on the topic
illustrating that considerations for
separating heating from hot water
builds to find better and more efficient
Progressively, standards have decreed
should be a design consideration for
ways of heating and conserving hot
that building envelopes must be
energy conscious consultants.
insulated to create greater ‘air tightness’
so that thermal insulation is much
As soon as anybody says the word
‘change’ panic sets in. However, it is not
However, if we take the domestic setting
as a marker, even though demand has
changed significantly, eight out of 10
change itself that people should be wary
Conversely, the demand for instant hot
installers will still want to install the
of, but the manner in which change
water has markedly incr eased and this
biggest combi unit they can find to
is managed. In the case of change in
means we need to adopt a new mindset
ensure hot water needs are met with
the H&V world the race to comply with
that separates space heating from hot
the payback being heat generated for
Government goals to lower emissions
water provision. There is no need for a
heating. It is not the best and most
and conserve energy can only be
big hot water storage unit, for example,
efficient way forward.
welcomed as we enter a period of fuel
to satisfy the needs of large radiators as
For more information on the RINNAI
supply uncertainty.
well as hot water.
product range visit www.rinnaiuk.com
0208 622 3500