If we take the worst-case scenario of a
operational so there is no downtime for
cylinder failure the whole thing needs
the hotel, restaurant or any other facility
to be replaced and this is no easy task
that uses hot water as a criteria feature.
especially when you consider the weight.
“Some facilities even opt to buy an
You are now looking at multiple problems:
additional heater so that the system will
always operate at full capacity even during
a) You have lost all hot water capability.
b) You need to pay for a replacement (if it
isn’t covered by warranty).
Goggin concludes: “Business and building
c) You have to pay for engineers to remove
owners need to talk to the growing body
Rinnai UK’s warranty database shows
the faulty one and replace it, which can
of installers who have come to realise
0.003% first year failure rate. (2013 is when
take days to change.
the advantages of the Rinnai system.
the new database was set up.)
Significant apex and opex saving can be
If we then look at a Rinnai Infinity water
achieved by considering continuous flow
** All water-heating products sold in
heater or multiples thereof, the down time
over stored hot water systems while at the
the UK need to meet minimum energy
would be reduced to around 30 minutes
same time offering built-in reliability and
performance criteria in order to be legally
or, in the case of multiple units, putting
peace of mind that their businesses won’t
placed on the market, and require an
up with reduced capacity for a very short
grind to a halt due to a lack of hot water
energy label.
period of time.
– ever.” * With regards to the reliability of
Servicing not only reduces the down cost
of the business but can also reduce the
servicing cost as a Rinnai water heater
can be fully serviced and back operating
within one hour. If a unit fails and needs
replacing, this can be done in a couple
of hours and a bank of heaters maintains
the facility to provide hot water, albeit at a
slightly reduced capacity, while one of the
heaters is down.
According to Rinnai UK Associate Director
Chris Goggin: “Because a Rinnai Infinity hot
water system draws water directly from the
mains and only heats the water needed at
the time there is no need to incorporate a
storage vessel in the system.
“The configuration of the Rinnai system is
supportive of reliability, as it incorporates
built-in redundancy, multiple heat
engines therefore a percentage of the
system is always in operation ensuring
no downtime. Conversely, if you have a
cylinder and you need to service it, or it
breaks down, you are left with nothing but
a standing body of water. And Legionella
can breed in a standing body of water.
“Rinnai gives large consumers of water the
added benefit of maintaining operation
by using multiple heaters; let’s say three
so the total system is made up 33.3% by
each heater. If one breaks down or needs
servicing there is still 66.66% of the system
the units themselves a comparison of unit
sales from 2013 until April 2016 against
For more information on the RINNAI
product range visit www.rinnaiuk.com