The Art of Design Issue 21 2016 | Page 68

68 Rinnai Offers End-Users An Infinity Of Reliability On Hot Water Heating Rinnai, designer and manufacturer of Building owners and business operators, This size issue and cost, not only in wasted the ErP labelled A-rated Infinity range public and private se ctor, from hairdressers space but also capital expense, restricts the of continuous flow gas fired hot water and launderettes to hospitality, healthcare, amount of cylinders that can be installed heaters, is not only supplying the UK with education and on to heavy industrial users as there is only a finite amount of space. the most reliable individual units* on the are all looking for a hot water system they Plus, the kW rating tends to be higher and market, it offers end-users the peace of can rely on, now and in the future. the higher the kW rating, the higher the mind that comes with having chosen the cost of purchasing single units. most efficient, cost effective and reliable One of the biggest downsides to a hot total hot water systems, too. water storage system – it may be gas Another problem with stored hot water fired, electric or heated via a coil from a systems is the downtime incurred by The ErP A-rating** applies over the boiler – is the size of the storage vessels servicing. Cylinders have to be drained complete Infinity range – from small themselves. down for inspection. If a business is domestic models to XXL sized industrial running on just one cylinder, the hot water Where do you put a bank of large cylinders system would have to be shut down to in today’s world where every inch of space allow it to be drained and inspected as Rinnai is the only manufacturer that in a commercial setting equates to money? part of the service and the business may can field a complete range of gas fired Those precious square metres could well have to cease operating for a few hours water heaters that more than complies be put to better use rather than housing a while the work is carried out. with the demands of new legislation on bank of archaic hot water cylinders better fuel efficiencies and offers outstanding consigned to the pages of plumbing Break down is another problematic area reliability throughout the life of the history. associated with storage systems. If the units. appliance. only source of hot water fails, then there is no means to provide hot water until the fault is rectified.