The Art of Accompaniment Book | Page 46

36 The Art of Accompaniment is oriented towards healthy, fruitful, and explicitly Christian ministry. The apostolate of mentors calls for intentional preparation to ensure accompani- ment is deliberate, oriented towards a definitive goal, and Christ-centered. Both prior to and during their apostolate of accompaniment, mentors must actively continue formation that shapes their entire being: “Effective forma- tion methods address the whole person: emotions, imagination, will, heart, and mind. It is the whole person who ministers, so the whole person is the proper subject of formation” (Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord, 33). The holistic formation for the apostolate of accompaniment is inspired by ecclesial and pastoral documents, including Pastores Dabo Vobis, Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord, and Living as Missionary Disciples. These docu- ments provide guidance for the formation of priests (Pastores Dabo Vobis), lay ministers (Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord), and the baptized (Living as Missionary Disciples) to carry out the mission of the Gospel. Because all of the baptized are able to participate in the apostolate of accompaniment, each of these documents helps form a basis for the formation of mentors and those accompanied in all vocations and states of life. According to these documents and the Church’s understanding of the formation of all who work in service of the people of God, holistic formation involves: • Drawing out and building up human qualities that demonstrate God’s love and compassion within relationships • Formation and practices of prayer and spirituality rooted in God’s Trinitarian life that affects all parts of the mentor’s life • Theological and pastoral studies that form mentors for the evangelizing work of the apostolate according to the needs of their cultural context • Cultivation of practical pastoral skills that build up a men- tor’s ability to accompany in a healthy, appropriate, loving, and fruitful manner While these four areas are similar to that of formation for those specifically in lay ecclesial ministry or ordained ministry, those who are called to the apostolate of accompaniment have particular needs of formation. The Final Document of the Synod of Bishops on Young People, Faith, and Vocational Discernment states, “The Synod recognizes the need to promote an integral