The Art of Accompaniment Book | Page 45

Who is involved in the apostolate of accompaniment? 35 they accompany. Appropriate boundaries in the relationship of accompani- ment must also include confidentiality, safe-environment precautions, and a chain of supervision depending on the level of formality and frequency of the relationship of accompaniment. “ knows the joys and sorrows of the spiritual journey” Because the mentor's primary task is to walk with the one accompanied on their spiritual journey, they must have an awareness of the Spirit’s move- ments in their own life. Before beginning the accompanying relationship, the mentor must be well-acquainted with reflection upon their own life in order to bear credible witness as a traveler on the spiritual way to the one they accompany. Upon contemplating the work of God in their own life, the mentor is more equipped to identify the call of the Spirit in the life of the one they accompany, which manifests itself in ways such as invitations to a deeper prayer life, opportunities for new relationships and friendships, and challenging occasions that lead to spiritual and personal growth. This reflective prayer of the mentor in and through their own experience of the spiritual journey also allows them to look back with gratitude and con- sciousness on the action of God in their past, and look with hope and faith to their future: “Think of your own history when you pray, and there you will find much mercy. This will also increase your awareness that the Lord is ever mindful of you; he never forgets you. So it makes sense to ask him to shed light on the smallest details of your life, for he sees them all” (Gaudete et Exsultate, 153). In this sense, the mentor's frame of reference of their own spiritual journey not only increases their ability to walk with the one they accompany in spiritual accompaniment, but also acts as a means of forma- tion for the mentor that leads them more deeply into the love of God. Formation Accompaniment is a particular apostolic activity that requires the preparation of those called to it. In order to offer accompaniment that is fruitful and effective, this formation must be holistic and well-rounded: The apostolate can attain its maximum effectiveness only through a diversified and thorough formation. (Apostolicam Actuositatem, 28) The formation of mentors is interdisciplinary, requires collaboration, and