The Arc Maryland Personal Space Program Curriculum Guide | Page 32

? ? ? ? ? ? Class 4: Sexual Harassment Class 5: Sexual Assault Class 6: Domestic Violence Class 7: When People Who Care for Us Hurt Us Class 8: Safety Planning Class 9: Self-defense Training (optional) Self Advocate Trainer will let people know that there are a few things we need to go over as a group (ground rules). She will talk about “talking too much and letting everyone have a chance to speak.” She will show the “quiet” symbol and say that if a trainer shows the “quiet sign” no one should “take it personally.” The “quiet sign” just means that someone else needs a chance to speak. A trainer will let the group know that if they have something they would like to share with a trainer in private, there is a Listening Room. The Listening Room can be used immediately after each class and is a place for private discussion. Trainer says: Earlier tonight we talked about how each of us is different and has a right to make choices. We also have the right to confidentiality. Ask group what they think confidentiality is and write the answers on flip chart. Confidentiality means that when we tell someone something private or personal about ourselves, they can’t tell anyone else unless they have our permission. If someone respects you, they won’t share your personal information. (Expand or simplify as necessary.) The professionals we go to when we have concerns about our bodies (like doctors or nurses) or our feelings (counselors or social workers) must keep things confidential by law. We also have a rule in this class about confidentiality. We want you to feel safe talking about your feelings, so we have a rule that all of us (point to self and each person) will keep what we discuss in this class CONFIDENTIAL. What we’ve said in class, stays in class. If house counselors, job coaches, bosses, friends, parents or others ask what (give name of class member) talked about, we say “That’s confidential.” Everyone say it. Page 32