The Arc Maryland Personal Space Program Curriculum Guide | Page 31

Trainer will say “Look at all these pictures we have created. They are all quite different. We all like different things and have different wishes.” Trainer cites some examples: Joy likes pizza, Sue knows how to dance, etc. Explain that we all have the power to make choices about what to eat, whether to dance, and lots of other things. Activity Be Yourself Flip to page on flip chart where following statement is written. Ask for a volunteer to read the first line and each following line or section separately. Ask the class what each line or section of slide means. BE YOURSELF Being different makes the world an interesting place. We may try to be like someone else but if we were all the same we would be boring! Being different is being real and liking yourself for who you are. It is much easier to be ourselves than to try and be someone else. Isn’t it? Tell them that in these classes we will all have different feelings and opinions and that is OK. Break Activity Refreshment Break (10-15 minutes) Give participants an opportunity to make a choice between at least two beverages, get some snacks, and take a bathroom break. About the Class Self Advocate Trainer again states the Mission of the program and points to the binders/manuals that have been distributed to participants for their handouts. She explains that the manuals are for each of them to keep and to help them follow along with class discussions and activities. She then reviews the different classes which are listed on a sheet in the flip chart and are in the manuals (with assistance if necessary). ? ? ? Class 1: Orientation Class 2: Sexuality Class 3: Healthy Relationships Page 31