The American Waterways Operators - Annual Reports 2016 | Page 12

■ 10 THE JONES ACT The Jones Act requires that cargo shipped between U.S. ports be transported on American-owned, American-built and American-crewed vessels. This critical law underpins our nation’s economic, homeland and national security and provides the statutory foundation for the billions of dollars of investment made by AWO members in American- built tugboats, towboats and barges. In 2016, AWO remained at the helm of the American Maritime Partnership, a 450-member coalition of maritime stakeholders that advocate for the Jones Act. AWO and AMP worked to build strong bipartisan support for the Jones Act and defeat legislation that would undermine the law. AMERICAN WATERWAYS OPERATORS VESSEL DISCHARGE LEGISLATIVE REFORM In 2016, AWO led a robust coalition effort to establish a uniform national framework for the regulation of ballast water and other vessel discharges, and streamline the unworkable patchwork of federal and state regulations currently in place. AWO and over 200 coalition partners representing vessel owners, shippers, labor, and ports worked together to secure House passage of the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act and move this bipartisan legislation to the brink of passage in the Senate. AWO’s top legislative priority for the 115th Congress is to secure enactment of vessel discharge reform legislation in 2017. This legislation will strengthen protections for America’s waterways, provide the stable regulatory structure essential to interstate and international maritime commerce, and prevent wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars on duplicative regulatory programs