The Alfred's Magazine 2020-21-2022 | Page 28


Thank you to our Volunteers of the year

Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club and its Members , acknowledge the commitment made by our Race Officials to the Clubs Sailing Program . We thank them for their dedication to the sport of sailing and their contribution to the Members ’ enjoyment of their sport .

If you would like to participate in the Race Management activities of the Club or join Auditors Team please contact the Sailing Office for more information or at : www . rpayc . com . au / sailing / volunteering /

Bob Rayner 2022

A stalwart of the Wednesday race
team ,
m e m b e r
roster ,
week .
Bob also regularly helps out on a Saturday with race management and steps in whenever the club is short of race team volunteers , happy to take the lead or assist in any way required .
Bob also volunteers for the Alfred ’ s Community Sailing program whenever they can .
Additionally Bob assisted a new boat owning member in preparing for the Pittwater to Coffs Harbour Yacht Race and racing as part of the crew ; adding their experience to the team .
I know everyone will agree that this is certainly an outstanding voluntary contribution to the club over this and many years .

David Sampson 2021

Over the past year , Dave volunteered the role of Optimist Representative to help solve the conversion issues from Tackers to Green Fleet
Dave worked tirelessly in collaboration with the Sailing Office ( Niall especially ) and experts from the broader Sailing Community to bring new ideas and a fresh approach to solving this problem . When Dave started there were 2x Optimists in Green Fleet . There is now a healthy 14x with majority transitioning into Club Racing / Intermediate in the next season .
The BIG reason for the nomination , Dave put all of this hard work in without any of his own children in the Class . They had all moved to other Classes in Centreboard .
This selfless dedication was purely focused on building the future for Centreboard and RPAYC . A highly valued and impactful contribution that will benefit the club now and into the future .
28 The Alfred ’ s Annual 2020 - 2022