The Alfred's Magazine 2020-21-2022 | Page 12

Alfred ’ s Community

Sailing Program ( ACS )

RPAYC is fortunate to have world class , modern facilities . These facilities have evolved over 150 years and benefit those who are members today . The Club and its Members wish to continue sharing these facilities and introduce the sport of sailing to our community .
ACS is firmly embedded as an important part of the Club , providing a pathway into sailing and social networking the sport brings .
ACS Objectives :

The Alfred ’ s Community Sailing Program is a Club initiative that provides sailing experiences , sail training programs and support to notfor-profit community groups to become involved in the excitement , social benefits , well-being and health benefits that sailing can provide .

Since its inception in 2013 the program has grown and now supports a number of community groups . The program has been rebranded “ Alfred ’ s Community Sailing ”.
To integrate sailors into regular , inclusive club racing events .
To support Veterans to experience sailing , the well-being and health factors it provides and build on their own sailing and social skills .
To support frontline workers to experience sailing , the well-being and health factors it provides and build on their own sailing and social skills .
To support Sailability and its activities in introducing people with disabilities to sailing .
To support Community Organisations .
To encourage members and others in the community to provide financial &/ or volunteer support via the program .
To provide support in Australian Sailing accredited sail training , education and development to prepare for and compete in ACS-supported events .
ACS sailing events are held one Friday of each month . The program continues to grow in participation levels , with additional community organisations seeking opportunities for their clients and members to experience sailing .
Alfred ’ s Community Sailing is proudly supported by Pantaenius Sail & Motor Yacht Insurance .
Website : rpayc . com . au / sailing / alfredscommunity-sailing /
12 The Alfred ’ s Annual 2020 - 2022