The African Fisherman Magazine Volume 23 # 6 | Page 11

Dear Editor My name is Kiana and this is the giant fish that I caught in September with my family . My Dad ' s cousin asked me to hold his rod while he got a refreshment and after a while the rod nearly pulled me in - my Dad helped reel it in and this was the day I got hooked ! My twin sister was very jealous ! Kiana Emerick Aged 4
Dear Editor My name is Oliver Mannix and I am eight years old . I went to Chirundu with my family and on the second day I hooked a 5.78kg tigerfish while we were drifting . It was a hard fight but I managed to pull it in to the boat after about seven minutes . My arms were aching but I was very happy . My Mum took this photo of me holding my fish . Regards Oliver
V o l . 23 # 6 http :// www . africanfishermanonline . com P a g e 11