The African Fisherman Magazine Volume 23 # 6 | Page 10

J U N I O R A N G L E R S L e t t e r s

Dear Editor We went to Kariba for the August school holidays , and stayed at Heritage Lodges . On the first day we didn ’ t go fishing , my Dad said we should rest and sort out our rods . The next morning we went fishing at 6am to Antelope Island and we were catching lots of tiddlers . In the afternoon my Dad caught a nice bream which weighed 1.8kg and then he caught another two . My Dad told me to concentrate and then I caught a 2.3kg Nilo ! It fought hard and went under the boat but I managed to reel it in . I was so , so excited that I didn ’ t want to fish anymore , but my Dad told me to try some more and then I caught another Nilo and this one weighed 2.42kg . I was so excited that I didn ’ t fish again that day . At the end of our trip my fish were bigger than my Dad ’ s . Thank you Zayan Hoosein - 7 years old
Dear Editor My name is Scott Vosloo and in August I went fishing on Lake Michigan in U . S . A . with my Dad and Uncle Pete . While trolling I caught this 7kg King Salmon . It was a long fight and I was so tired by the time I got the fish in the boat ! I can ' t wait to do it again . Scott Vosloo , Harare
Dear Editor That ' s ( from left to right ) Jess my sister , Devon her friend , Kurt ( who invited us to Mozambezi , Cahora Bassa - thanks !) and me , Thomas who turned four a month earlier . I caught it on my new rod from Dad , on a Mepps out the back of the boat , while waiting for everyone . We never weighed that fish , but as my Dad says it was from my shoulders to my knees ! Thomas Dorward
Dear Editor Please see attached picture of Jordan Dewdney ’ s 4lb bass he caught this last November on a private dam just outside Harare . He is five years old and this is the first fish he has caught all on his own without any help from Dad . Thanks so much , Ashlyn
P a g e 10 Email fishunt @ zol . co . zw , adhunt @ mweb . co . za V o l . 23 # 6