thrown into a
We get
troubles, temptations,
trials, problems, in
order to lead us to
more Glory
God made
Joseph a ruler
of Egypt
to the route of more glory. We
become God’s most trusted believer. God tests only believers
so that their faith will increase
step by step and that is the only
reason for the delay.
Our faith is
much more precious than Gold.
And our temptation is only a test.
We do not get trials because we
have sinned or made a mistake.
No! It is a test because we are
believers. A giant faith person
gets a giant faith problem. The
size of our problem defines our
destiny. David had to fight Goliath first and then directly, he
went to the throne. If we face a
big problem, a high praise will
come from us. When we encounter a problem, we should
not fear. For, we will get praise,
honour and glory when we face
problems. Nobody likes to experience trouble and pain. But if we
go through them patiently, we will
be crowned with praise, honour
and glory. So, we should, “ Hold
onto our faith”. Our faith will not
put us down, fail us or drown us,
but it will make us overcome. We
have to believe our God continually and go forward.” Our God is
a faithful God”.
II Corinthians 4 : 18 Says,
While we look not at the things
which are seen, but at the
things which are not seen: for
the things which are seen are
temporal; but the things which
are not seen are eternal.
We should not
look at the intolerable situations
which are depressing us, but
look at the eternal praise, honour
and glory. By faith we should see
the things which are not seen.
And we can get faith only by listening to the Word of God.If we
are looking at our troubles only,
we start calculating the time and
get impatient for our healing and
blessing. But when we see the
invisible, then the troubles decrease and appear to be only
for a minute. When we do not
look at the visible trouble, but by
word look at the invisible which
is about to happen, then the
trouble appears to be only for a
fraction and we get eternal glory.
Isaiah 43 : 25 - 26 Says,
I, even I am he that blotteth
out thy transgressi