faced a great insult, are broken
and alienated, God will make
them disappear and make a new
Job did not
know that God was making a
new path and blessing him with
a double blessing. Job did not
know his God but he continually
believed in Him and came out of
his problems. The troubles and
the fears are temporary. A new
path will arise for us. God will
make a new path in the wilderness because He is Lord Jehovah. Our God who is the Lord
of hosts will prepare a highway
in the wilderness. We will testify
of it. Glory will come out of the
wilderness experience. God will
heal us and revive our spirit. Hallelujah!
Isaiah 43 : 20 Says,
The beast of the field shall
honour me, the dragons and
owls: because I give waters in
the wilderness and rivers in
the desert, to give drink to my
people, my chosen.
In our wilderness, when God makes a path,
rivers flow and give a remedy.
Then only praise will come from
us. Hallelujah!
Our troubles will
lead us to a goal. Our problems
have a purpose. We make conclusions that our future is dark.
No! A new path, a new route will
be made which will only bring
praise from us. People will be
amazed at our status and situation. They will know that our God
is extraordinary and accept only
Him. They will worship Him as
the true God for bringing us out
of the situations and blessing us.
When we are
engulfed in a
sea of problems,
God makes a
path through
the sea
1Peter 1: 7 Says,
That the trial of your faith being much more precious than
of gold that perisheth, though
it be tired with fire, might be
found unto praise and honour
and glory at the appearing of
Jesus Christ.
The carat value of
Gold increases step by step as it
We may say that is purified in the fire. We get probwe do not have a single drop of lems only to increase our glory
water to drink in the wilderness. but not to degrade ourselves. In
But be ready for rivers. Our body order to increase the measure of
may be in pain all the time, but faith in us, we get the problems
we will gallop like a gazelle. In and there is also a delay. As the
our unfavourable situations, if fire makes the Gold pure, tempwe give God the time, then he tations and trials make us shine
will satisfy us, revive our spirit like Gold and we get a whole lot
and make a new path.
of testimonies. Only praises will
flow out of our mouth and people
will know how great our God is.
The greeting, “Praise the Lord”
Isaiah 43 : 21 Says,
will have some significance beThis people have I formed for cause there is a testimony bemyself; they shall shew forth hind it. God has planned it in
that manner. Our trials, troubles,
my praise.
temptations and strifes lead us
Pontius Pilate
said, “Your life is
in my hands”.
Jesus said, “If
I give an order
thousands of
angels will come
from Heaven. But
I have come to
shed blood and die
for humanity”