The 30-Day Body Transformation Program PDF eBook Free Download The Fitness Spotlight Blueprint eBook PDF | Page 15

is high, the body has no reason for stored fats and will shut down those fat releasing hormones. The name of the game in weight loss (and even health, since chronic high insulin is tied to many disease risks) is all about keeping control of your blood sugar and insulin responses through your food choices. Remember this! An insulin surge will eventually cause our blood sugar levels to plummet, leaving us more hungry and tired. Then the viscous cycle continues as you crave more sugar-based foods to bring your blood sugar back up. You've seen it all day long with people addicted to sodas and coffee just to get through a work day. We live in a world that survives on "energy drinks" and our long-term health and metabolism is paying for it. The ongoing battle for energy with sugary drinks will only lead you down a rollercoaster path to ill-health It is this environment of chronically elevated insulin levels from high blood sugar spikes that could just be largest root cause of obesity and most all modern diseases (like cancer, heart disease, and more)! This environment is created by the choices we make in terms of what we eat and drink! 30 Day Transform 13