The cold, hard facts about marketing to human beings
I've written a blog post on 5 simple ways (likely already in your arsenal) that allow you to ethically collect info on your TM. You can view the post by clicking here.
Here are 5 MORE WAYS you can tap readily available info to start building a list of qualities, characteristics and patters you notice about your TM:
1. Look at the websites of your competitors. Who are they speaking to and how?
2. Note patterns for times of higher engagment on your social networks and those of your competitors. What times or what kinds of content get the most shares?
3. Your own customers. When do they buy from you? During sales or promotions only? How much do they spend? Do the products they buy show you anything about them personally?
4. Take # 3 a step further: consider what motivates your customers to buy YOUR product or service over that of your competition. What does this say about your TM's needs and wants?
5. Forums and discussion groups. A lot of info can be gained by looking at topic-relevant forums to see what questions are asked and problems about which people seek advice.
We will use this list again next month to help form the base of a very comprehensive target market profile for YOUR business.
Before even getting into what makes a good versus GREAT profile, we need to look at some basic truths that make marketing the challenge that it is:
1. We are bombarded every day by hundreds if not thousands of messages; what we ignore is exponentially higher than what we notice.
The FIX: build relationships & be relevant to break through the clutter. People are more inclined to listen if something is personally relevant.
2. We tend to be motivated by things that elicit an emotional response.
The FIX: Provide solutions, don't just sell a product or service. In short, matter to them. Offer something that makes the lives of your TM better!
3. Self-esteem and value play a very integral role in our decision-making.
The FIX: Provide value by showing your customers YOU value them. Little extras help build stronger relationships.
4. We tend to value information from trusted & recognized sources above all else.
Five more FAST, EASY ways to learn more about your target
market (TM)
Use this link now to access the worksheet that accompanies this article and have a clearer vision of your TM in only 20 minutes!