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W HAT I S C URCUMIN AND H OW D OES I T W ORK ? r 5 On the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scale that rates the antioxidant power of foods, only BCM-95 ® Cur- cumin rates over 1.5 million per 100 grams, while antioxidant- rich blueberries have only a 6,000 ORAC rating per 100 grams! This means that just one high-quality curcumin capsule delivers more than 25 times the antioxidants as the same amount of blue- berries. Curcumin literally scrubs the oxidative “rust” from your cells, preventing serious disease and reversing diseases you may already have. It helps stop cell deterioration and restores the cellular genet- ic codes to youthful levels, ensuring those cells will reproduce more like they did when you were young. More important, from the viewpoint of damaged cell division found in cancer, curcumin also tells these cells to die when their time comes, as ordained by nature, which stops tumor growth. And that wonderful yellow curcumin stops inflammation and all of its obvious and not-so-obvious damaging effects, relieving inflammatory problems like arthritis and joint pain and eliminat- ing the building blocks for heart disease, diabetes and other diseases that have a foundation in chronic inflammation. In addition, curcumin has a unique ability to cross the blood- brain barrier, a membrane that protects the brain from invaders like bacterial infections and keeps out most other substances as well, including those that might be helpful. This gives curcumin the ability to deliver its antioxidants and anti-inflammatories directly to the brain, which is particularly helpful in cases of dementia and depression. In the case of cancer, cutting-edge research shows curcumin has a variety of ways of stopping abnormal cell growth, including an ability to affect cell division on the genetic level. If that’s not enough, studies also show that curcumin protects the liver and kidneys. Curcumin has been compared to pharmaceutical drugs for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, and it has come out on top in every case.