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W HAT I S C URCUMIN AND H OW D OES I T W ORK ? r 3 In this book, I’ll address your skepticism with an in-depth examination of each of these conditions and the research support- ing curcumin’s role in prevention, treatment and cure. CURCUMIN: THE TRIPLE WHAMMY AGAINST CHRONIC DISEASE Curcumin has proven antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti- cancer properties. This takes in most, if not all, of the chronic dis- eases of aging known to modern science. Think about rust on the bumper of a car. Rust is caused by oxi- dation or damaging oxygen molecules that corrode and eventually destroy the structure of metal. Those same corrosive oxygen molecules (sometimes called free radicals) are found inside the human body, and while they are part of the aging process, they are an unpleasant part of it because they contribute to the deterioration of cells. When these “rusty” cells reproduce, each generation is just a little different from the last and a little bit less able to perform its function properly. That, in a nut- shell, is how and why we age. The oxidative aging process is escalated by environmental factors: • Polluted air and water • Plastics and other toxic materials that contaminate nearly every- thing we touch, eat and drink • Pesticides and other poisons and hormones in our food and even in our clothing • Processed foods, smoking, obesity, lack of exercise and other unhealthy lifestyle choices OXIDATION AND INFLAMMATION CAUSE DISEASE So, what happens when we get “rust” or oxidative damage in our cells? Our brain cells begin to deteriorate, so memory becomes