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CHAPTER 1 What Is Curcumin and How Does It Work? AN ASIAN SECRET FOR LONGEVITY W hat if I told you there is a common spice that can give you the gift of a long and healthy life? How about an extract of this familiar spice that can prevent and even cure heart disease, can- cer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, joint pain and more? Maybe you would think it’s just a bunch of hype, but I can assure you there is voluminous scientific research that warrants placing curcumin at the pinnacle of all healing herbs. If you love curry, you’ll be familiar with turmeric, a popular vividly-colored spice. Inside turmeric is a compound called cur- cumin, which is found in its rhizome (the stem of the plant found underground). Curcumin is responsible for the golden orange color of turmeric, and is perhaps the most powerful botanical medicine in the world today. However, there is very little curcumin in the spice turmeric. If you’ve seen cheap turmeric supplements on the market, understand that they only contain 2 to 5% curcumin, which may or may not be usable by your body, and they’re not likely to have any effectiveness in terms of prevention or treatment for the diseases we’re talking about. Curcumin is many times more powerful than turmeric. For centuries, curcumin has given the gift of long life and robust health to the people of India, for whom various types of curries—always made with turmeric—are a dietary staple. 1