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Training Tactics
Now that you have a good warmup figured out, you need to choose what kind of workouts to do.
This comes back to the 90% rule. You better not have forgotten already!
In historic times, the 90% rule was taken very, very seriously. Simply put, if you cannot perform a set of
reps with 90% perfection or better, you need to stop and rest until you can. This forces you to focus on
quality over quantity.
Workouts back then had meaning, structure and an end result in mind. People would practice
instead of just work out, and they always had a goal to feel better when they finished then when
they arrived at the gym. Follow this same plan of attack to a tee!
If you have witnessed anyone doing a really high-intensity program that forces you to do as many
reps or rounds as possible in a short amount of time, you will know exactly what BAD quality looks like.
Never sacrifice form for technique!
This type of high-volume training might yield fast results, but it can also yield fast trips to the
emergency room or physical therapist’s office. It is often reckless, dangerous and has no noble
purpose. Sadly, it is often the work of the ego that drives people to keep pushing past physical
and mental exhaustion.
This doesn’t mean there is no time and place for being competitive or doing high-intensity exercise. But
not when it’s at the expense of good, crisp, clean, quality movement. And you have to earn your way to
higher intensity training protocols.