The 10 Best Rehabilitation Centers to Watch in 2019 The 10 Best Rehabilitation Centers to Watch in 201 | Page 41
Centers to Watch
their loved ones in extended care.
Astounding Services and Facilities
Royal Life Centers offers services as a
multi-level treatment provider with a
family of facilities (detox, residential
inpatient, partial hospitalization,
intensive outpatient, and outpatient),
for adults 18 and older, desiring to
overcome Substance use disorders and
co-occurring conditions. Its program
utilizes evidenced-based behavioral
health modalities and additionally it
offers Medication Assisted Treatment
(MAT). The centers provide trainings
for their staff including but not limited
to the following: HIPPA Privacy and
Security Training, Non-Violent Crisis
Intervention, Ethics and Boundaries
certification, Cultural Sensitivity
Training, SMART Treatment Planning,
Suicide Prevention, HIV/AIDS
Orientation, Blood Born Pathogen &
Universal Infection control trainings,
Health & Safety training, ADA
training, and provision of First
Aid/CPR Trainings and food safety.
Each of the centers’ facilities is a
perfect blend of honesty, respect,
humanism, and treats its guest as a first
priority. It upholds the highest standard
in substance use disorder treatment and
guest care. Regarding it, Frank says,
“Guests’ well-being and successful
recovery is our priority, ‘Because We
At Royal Life Centers, guests can
receive a comprehensive treatment
program at every level of care: detox,
residential treatment, inpatient
treatment, outpatient treatment,
aftercare, extended care, and sober
living. The guests and their care are
always the top priority of the centers.
Royal Life Centers takes no shortcuts
when it comes to providing activities,
resources, amenities, or any other type
of support for our guests.
Awards & Accolades
Royal Life Centers’ facilities are all
dual accredited with both CARF
(Commissions on Accreditation of
Rehabilitation Facilities) and TJC (The
Joint Commission), the leading bodies
for regulation drug and alcohol
treatment centers. The centers are also
verified with Psychology Today and
LegitScript as a leading provider in the
industry, who exceeds all standards for
providing care. It has acquired a
number of awards and following are a
few of them:
Ÿ Recognized from Miami Children’s
Hospital for its spectacular
contributions of electronic tablets.
Ÿ The centers have received
accolades from many families for
its “Elliot Bag” Program.
Happy Clients of Royal Life Centers
“Our most spectacular client
|April 2019| 39