The 1 Week Diet Download FREE Brian Flatt [PDF] | Page 36

Take carbs for example. Fresh, natural and organic fruits and vegetables are the best source of carbs. But, what typical person eating are the bad sources of carbohydrates- pasta, French fries, burgers, potato chips, etc. The same is true for proteins and fats. Many people don’t realize your body actually needs fat. Or that eating the right fats can actually help you lose weight. Healthy fats are found in foods like avocados, olives, olive and coconut oils, and nuts for example. Think about it. You could eat all the spinach, kale, and broccoli you want and have a hard time gaining any weight, even if you weren’t working out on a regular basis. On the other hand, if you’re constantly loading up on cheeseburgers, French fries, pizza, soda pop, and other staples of the typical diet, you’ll have a hard time losing weight no matter how much you exercise. You can enjoy these foods in moderate amounts without feeling guilty, but the typical person eats too much of these processed carbohydrates and packs on pounds as a result. Think about it on a serious note. Decide which option is more profitable! Depending on your personal situation you could easily drop 6 to 12 pounds in a few weeks by doing nothing more than making a few simple changes to the food you eat. That’s why you cannot out-train a bad diet. Now, if you’re expecting me to place all the blame on any single food or group of foods as the sole culprit for weight gain, I’m sorry to disappoint you – but that simply isn’t the case. We do not get fat by eating carbs or fat. It’s not that simple. The truth is a bit more complex. We gain weight by repeatedly eating too much over a long period of time. More specifically, by consuming more calories than our body needs day after day. If you’ve excessive weight to lose, you better know that weight did not just suddenly appear overnight, right? It came gradually over days, weeks, months … or even years. It wasn’t one cupcake or one extra helping of lasagna. It was repeatedly eating more sweets or LAUNCH HANDBOOK 36