The 1 Week Diet Download FREE Brian Flatt [PDF] | Page 22

expensive, but when you consider that you can get all your meals for the day for about $5, this is actually pretty cheap. Plus, you’ll find that a lot of time is freed up that is normally spent on cooking and eating meals, which gives you more time to take a walk or engage in other exercise to really drive this diet home. FAT Unfortunately, fat has received a bad rap for decades. So much so that it has become ingrained in our minds to intuitively reach for anything that says ‘low-fat’, even when we know better! The notion that fat makes us fat makes perfect sense at face value, especially when you consider how calorically dense fat actually is. A gram of fat contains nine calories, while the same gram of protein or carbohydrates is only four calories. Fat doesn’t have anywhere near the thermic effect that protein does (only 3% vs. 30%), so consuming fat is not necessarily going to turbo-charge our metabolism. By the same token, it is important to note that fat by itself also does not make us fat. In fact, fat plays an important role in many parts of the body. While we can go for long periods of time without fat, we cannot live without it completely. Those fats that we cannot live without are known as essential fatty acids (EFAs). Research has shown that these EFAs actually help us to mobilize stored body fat that we want to get rid of, in addition to having numerous other health benefits. In The 1 Week Diet, we will focus on getting an optimal amount of these good fats, to enhance our ability to lose weight fast, while becoming healthier. WHY WE NEED ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS (EFAS)? Your health, good or bad, is driven in large part by the level of inflammation in your body and the amount of lean muscle mass you have. In fact, there are several diseases (including obesity) that are linked to inflammation and the lack of muscle mass. LAUNCH HANDBOOK 22