The 1 Week Diet Download FREE Brian Flatt [PDF] | Page 20

WHY IS ADEQUATE PROTEIN CONSUMPTION IMPORTANT FOR WEIGHT LOSS? A diet adequate in protein is essential for anyone who wants to lose excess body fat. Protein consumption not only increases fat oxidation, it also has the remarkable ability to spare lean body mass. You should be doing everything humanly possible to ensure that your lean body mass is spared. The reason for this is when your lean body mass is spared, your resting metabolic rate is maintained. When you lose lean mass, your metabolic rate slows down. Losing lean mass is a common occurrence in those who eat low-calorie diets enough protein, and in those following low-calorie diets without sufficient protein (vegetarians and vegans). A very important point to understand is that the loss of lean body mass virtually guarantees the regain of any fat loss. This is the primer for ‘yo-yo’ dieting and the reason for the high failure rate of most diets. Most diets focus on just the numbers on the scale. The problem comes when lean mass is lost in conjunction with body fat, which is the case in most mainstream diet plans. The weight is lost but because much of the weight was lean mass, the metabolism has slowed and it is unable to effectively stop or even slow the weight from coming back. Adding protein to your meals causes your body to release a hormone called glucagon. Glucagon works to slow down the harmful effect of excess carbohydrates being deposited into our fat cells. It does so by slowing the rate of absorption of those carbohydrates. Additionally, there are new studies that have shown that when the body releases glucagon (by consuming protein in your diet), it also works to stimulate fat-burning by freeing up your stored body fat, so that it can be used to fuel your body. THE TAKEAWAY! When we increase protein consumption and significantly decrease the amount of carbohydrates we consume, we benefit from a dual fat-burning effect. On one hand, when the body does not have carbohydrates to turn to in order to fuel the body, it begins to use stored body fat. Secondly, the release of glucagon into the body appears to have the added effect of attacking the fat stores that the insulin has worked to preserve. The 1 Week Diet is strategically designed to take advantage of both of these events. LAUNCH HANDBOOK 20