That's Wassup Magazine Issue #9 That's Wassup Magazine Issue #9 | Page 3

Issue #9 • • 3 EDITORIAL WITH SNARD ALEXANDER ‘Perseverance’; this word is so commonly used in the halls of schools and work places alike that it has become stretched in our minds as a word that just means, ‘continue’. So what does it really mean? What then?! What does it mean to continue in the face of all your words, your actions, your thoughts being twisted to fit and suit the purpose of your adversary, your wall? It means that no matter what you come against, it can be broken and gotten past, and it can be defeated. So why then is this concept so difficult to grasp by so many believing that their obstacles are too great to overcome? Why do so many fail to achieve their dream of becoming millionaires or simply becoming great in their respective societies? The answer is simple; many see a wall for what it is, a wall, when infact, millionaires and those who are successful see it as just a collection of bricks. In the words of Will Smith, “you don’t set out to build a wall... I will lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid and eventually you’ll have a wall.” You can’t be a leader of a country without knowing how to lead yourself. You can’t love someone without first loving yourself or make a million a day without first making 100,000’s a year. Perseverance is taking one step forward despite the wall, and breaking it down brick by brick. No matter the difficulty, any wall can be overcome. But you need to enjoy the journey to the dream. Understand it is a process and it will take time but as long as you keep pushing. It will be done. EDITORS JOY SAMUEL SNARD ALEXANDER PROJECT MANAGERS HIERLAND PETER KENDALL BARTHELMY PHOTOGRAPHERS KAREEM STANLEY JONATHAN PHILIP GRAPHIC DESIGNER & ANIMATION ROSS DANIEL MAKEUP ARTIST AMY FLORIUS CONTRIBUTORS JENELLE LEWIS SPECIAL THANKS KENTILLIA LOUIS - CAMDU SARAH PETER BLUE WATERS ST.LUCIA BANK OF ST.LUCIA