Tha Lifestyle Dec,2013 | Page 10

tha lifestyle | Business & Finance Hi, I own two properties, one is a three bedroom house which is my main residence and other is a one bed flat. I was made redundant last month so I am going to sell my main residence and move into the flat. Please can you tell me whether I have to pay any tax on gain? ? If you sell your main residence, and if it has been your main residence during the entire period of ownership, then you do not pay any tax on gain as it will be covered by “private residence relief”. A Tax tip: The day you move to your flat, and if you make it your main residence, all period then onwards would be covered by PRR relief. CAPITAL GAINS TAX My name is Sathees, and this year I made more than 12,000 gain on buying and selling shares and can you please advise me how can I avoid paying tax? ? For 2013/14 tax year the A first £10,900 gains made on selling shares is exempt from tax and any gain made above this limit is taxable. Tax tip: If you buy and sell shares based on “Financial spread bet trading method” instead of the normal “certificated method” then any gain you make on buy and sell shares is fully exempt from tax TAX ON BANK INTEREST Q: My name is Kumar and I am a higher rate tax payer and paying 40% tax on interest receive from my bank. Please can you advise me whether is it possible to transfer money to my son who is 12 ? 08 Ragu Dharmaratnam Head of finance for a UK group Firm and a financial journalist e: [email protected] years old and thereby saving tax on interest? Currently I am getting 3% interest on my savings account Income earned from gifts from parents is exempt if less than £100 per annum. Otherwise the income is taxable as that of the parents. A Tax tip: You may open a savings account under your son’s name (children account) and transfer £3300 , thereby your son will get £99 interest per year which is covered by the £100 exemption limit. CASH GIFT Hello, My father is a UK national now lives in Canada, and he is sending me £30,000 to the UK to put a deposit towards buying a property. Do I have to pay any tax on the gift? ? Cash gifts are free of tax in the hands of the recipient, this means you do not pay any tax. You father is a UK national then this gift will be regarded as “potentially A MONEY DOCTOR PROPERTY TAX exempt transfer” (PET) for inheritance tax purposes based on seven year rule. Please check with Canadian tax authorities for any local tax. Tax tip: Any gifts you make will be exempt from Inheritance tax as long as you live for seven years after making the gift. EMPLOYMENT My name is Jaffer and I am 22 years old. Recently I went for a job interview at a local cash and carry shop and I was offered £6 per hour hour doing 35 hours a week. I was told by my friend that I should be offered a minimum wage by law. Is this true please advise? ? Under the “National Minimum Wage” (NMW) legislation from October 2013 , you should be offered at least £6.31 for hour . You have the right to ask your employer to match this figure and it is illegal for them to offer £6, A