TGA - The Global Achievers Issue 1/2022 | Page 80

being in the driver’s seat is important and the first step to help you get to where you are going. Being on task, isn’t about the tasks themselves as much as it is to know clearly what your desired result is. 

If you are struggling to stay on task, ask yourself why.  Shift gears, take out a piece of paper or a notebook and write responses to these questions.  If other questions come to your mind, write them down too and respond.

·       Who is in the driver’s seat of my car? If it isn’t me, what I am going to do to take control of the wheel?

·       Am I in a space of gratitude? Is there negativity that is disrupting my thought or creative process?

·       Is this task or project in alignment with my core values?

·       Are there distractions? If so, what can I do to regain my focus?

·       Are there unforeseen circumstances? Can I give myself grace and move on?

·       Am I so busy looking at the enormity of the elephant, that I am not tackling the project one “bite” at a time?

·       Do I have someone alongside me to encourage me and to hold me accountable? Have I reached out to them to share what is going on so I can move forward?

Once you have answered these questions and any other question that came to you during this process, you will now be able to get back on track, creating the action you need to get to where you are going – your finish line!