okay, give yourself grace and carry on. You will get back on track.
6. How do you eat an elephant (metaphorically of course)?
The answer is one bite at a time. It can be overwhelming and scary when you look at the whole elephant. It is the same with your vision, values, and goals. I suggest that you find or create a task/project checklist form. It is simple but powerful! You can list the task/project (the elephant, so to speak) then break the tasks down into small bite sized pieces with a spot to check it off once complete. It allows you to track your progress and gives a sense of accomplishment. It is better to take small steps regularly rather than to procrastinate and not get anything done.
7. Tribe/Accountability Partner
Just like every race car driver needs a team to keep the car on the road, you need to find a tribe or accountability partner to help encourage, support, motivate and kick you in the butt when you need it. If you are sitting in the pitstop, you are not running the race and you are certainly not going to get to the finish line.
8. Action/Results
The end goal is to carry out what you set out to do in the first place; being in the driver’s seat is important and the first step to help you get to where you are going. Being on