TGA - The Global Achievers Issue 1/2022 | Page 31

likely no. But it doesn’t mean that we can’t categorize them as an associate, and still enjoy whenever we are able to catch each other. We just have to know that we’re not a priority to that person, but an option. Being an option isn’t bad, unless we’re seeking validation for some reason, but that’s another discussion.

Whether we end up in messed up situations out of ignorance, negligence, or incompetence is no never mind; it’s just our responsibility to put our pride in check, and understand we have choices and decisions we can make to shape our own lives. If we hate our job or career, what are we doing to correct it?


If we are tired of granny talking down to or about us, what are we doing to correct it? If we have been told we’re borderline diabetic, and we make bad food choices and are overweight, what are we doing to correct it? If we are in a bad relationship with someone who mentally or physically abuses us, what are we doing to correct it? When we put just as much energy into identifying where people belong in our lives, and being more focused on finding and applying the solutions to problems; we end up with less problems, more energy, and better people in our lives.

So, begin to reshape your life one area at a time, and disconnect from responsibilities that others have placed on you without your permission. In closing I’d like to inform you that we get to choose who we deal with and on what terms, when we take on that level of accountability and power!