TGA - The Global Achievers Issue 1/2022 | Page 30

We have to be the ones to disassociate with them, if we choose to. We can identify the frenemy by just observing their behaviors. Gossip, drama, and victimhood follow our frenemies everywhere they may go.

Enemies – are people we don’t like, and they don’t like us. The reasons don’t need to be legitimate, and just because someone lands in the enemy category doesn’t mean civility cannot also be present in the event that we cross paths. Our enemies are often who our frenemies are reporting to.


You remember I mentioned reciprocity a little earlier? Well, it’s my not-so-secret tool to becoming much happier and dare I say, successful. To me, success is how well we are able to position ourselves for continued growth, connection (or disconnection), and achieve balance. Balance in our finances, relationships, recreation, self-education and development, our spiritual lives, and any other area we deem important to us. As we begin to observe how people treat us, it becomes our responsibility to conduct ourselves accordingly in our interactions with them.

Think about it… If someone we consider a friend is always too busy to just grab a coffee with us, but they have time to party, according to their most recent Facebook post; should they have the title of friend? In that scenario, the answer is likely no. But it doesn’t mean that we can’t categorize them as an associate, and still enjoy whenever we are able to catch each other. We just have to know that we’re not a priority to that person, but an option. Being an option isn’t bad, unless we’re seeking validation for some reason, but that’s another discussion.