Texas Travesy Texas Travesy | Page 21


The Texas Civil War Museum in Fort Worth opened its doors to the public in 2006.

Is known as the “largest Civil War Museum West of the Mississippi”.

Based on the results the Union Armies were having, Lincoln relieved McClellan as the general in chief of all the Union Armies.

During this time, these armies face each other on a great amount of battles. One of them was the Battle of Antietam which is known as “The Bloodiest day in American History” because of the quantity of soldiers that die from each side. More than 10,000 soldiers died on that battle.

After the battle of Antietam, Abraham Lincoln wrote a document called, The Emancipation Proclamation, that states that every African American in the US is free. He expected that based on him giving them their liberty, they will join the Union Armies as a thank you. This document was established on January 1, 1863.

The Battle of Appomattox was the one that ended the four years of daily war. This war ended the Civil War, the Union won.

Until the year of 1865, US finally abolish the slavery and join as one nation. Since then, US started evolving as a country, they finally took a greater step to be a better country as their used to be.