Testno nešto prvi | Page 2

1. General information about the enterprise Name of enterprise Address1 Postal code Main activity2 1.1 In 2010, was your enterprise part of an enterprise group? (A group consists of two or more legally defined enterprises under common ownership. Each enterprise in the group can serve different markets, as with national or regional subsidiaries, or serve different product markets. The head office is also part of an enterprise group.) Yes In which country is the head office of your group located? 3______________ No If your enterprise is part of an enterprise group: Please answer all further questions about your enterprise only for the enterprise for which you are responsible in [your country]. Exclude all subsidiaries or parent enterprises. 1.2 In which geographic markets did your enterprise sell goods and/or services during the three years 2008 to 2010? Yes No A. Local / regional within [your country] B. National (other regions of [your country]) C. Other European Union (EU), EFTA, or EU candidate countries* D. All other countries Which of these geographic areas was your largest market in terms of turnover during the three years 2008 to 2010? (Give corresponding letter) ______ *: Include the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. 1 NUTS 2 code 2 NACE 4 digit code 3Country code according to ISO standard