12. Basic economic information on your enterprise
12.1 What was your enterprise’s total turnover for 2008 and 2010?6 Turnover is defined as the market sales
of goods and services (Include all taxes except VAT7).
12.2 What was your enterprise’s average number of employees in 2008 and 2010?8
12.3 Approximately what percent of your enterprise’s employees in 2010 had a university
1% to 4%
5% to 9%
10% to 24%
25% to 49%
50% to 74%
75% to 100%
Give turnover in ‘000 of national currency units. Leave space for up to nine digits.
For Credit institutions: Interests receivable and similar income; for Insurance services give gross premiums written
8 If administrative data are used and the annual average is not available, give results for the end of each year. Leave space for up to six digits for
question 12.2.
9 National translation: This includes ISCED 5a and 6. If administrative data are used, use the same time period as for question 12.2.